As we step into the next decade, many of us are struck by how fast time flies. Our children are growing, many of us are working in or out of the home, our lives are moving ahead and we’re trying to keep up. With everything that is going on, it’s important to maintain our true identities, especially when it comes to following the path that God created for each of us. The question is how? At The Enlighten Foundation, we have the solution. And it works. It’s called The Journey program and you can participate through our organization or take the program and adapt it for your own group or organization.

The Journey is about faith, purpose and service.
The Journey is your personal roadmap to faith, purpose and service. It’s a multi-level curriculum that enables us as women to live our true identity and seek our individual and collective purpose under God. Using Christ as a compass, each level builds on tools and techniques to guide participants toward a path of transformation.

The Journey is about walking alongside other women.
Created for Christian women by Christian women to follow together, The Journey program enables women to grow in community and friendship as they deepen their faith and uncover their purpose. It’s a place of learning and refuge for an already established bible study group, a church women’s ministry, a casual group of friends or even women who may not know each other. The Journey is designed to help women move forward together, strengthening and encouraging each other and cultivating lasting, faithful friendships as they discuss meaningful, vulnerable topics.

The Journey, it’s meaningful AND flexible.
The Journey consists of three levels, all building blocks toward personal knowledge and spiritual depth. It’s designed for 15 meetings (meetings last about 2 hours), with each level containing 5 lessons. What’s great about it is that every group can set the schedule that works best for everyone. Some Journey groups meet weekly, others every other week.

Here’s an example of how it works. A few of the lessons covered in Level 1 include identity, value and worth, and connection. So, in each lesson, the topic is introduced and then reinforced with scripture and real stories of Christian women, with guided discussion questions. Ideally you complete the lesson and consider the discussion questions prior to the group meeting. But, as we all know, life can get in the way. The beauty of The Journey is that the format is flexible. If you can’t complete the prep work, that’s okay! You will still gain so much value from the meeting.

The Journey can transform your life.
The Journey is about being a true Christian. It’s about seeking meaning, identity and worth, and being thoughtful about your life’s purpose. The Journey is about confidence, faith, leadership, and understanding others. It’s also about listening to the calling God has placed on our hearts (no matter how lost we currently feel).

The Journey is for every Christian woman. If you’re interested in starting The Journey this year, it’s as easy as purchasing a facilitator packet and gathering a group of women!

Don’t have a group of women? CONTACT US about being placed with a group!

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